1st page google ranking
Google's search engine uses a variety of methods to determine which pages are displayed first in the results. Their exact formula is a secret, but there are always a few things you can do to improve your positioning. The term for this is Search Engine Optimization (SEO).These tips may not make your website the first one to appear in the list, but they just may help you move up a little. No matter what you do, make sure you make a site that you want to visit and written the way humans would want to read it.

Ignore spam and websites that offer to submit your website to hundreds of search engines. At best these are wastes of time or money and at worst they can actually hurtyour ranking.If you're gaming the system, sooner or later Google will figure it out and change their formula. You'll end up plummeting in the search results and wonder why.

Keyword Phrases
  • Density
  • Name Your Pages
  • Links
  • Social Networking
  • Make Your Graphics Search Friendly
  • Good Design Is Popular Design
if you plan and work on you SEO efforts and content marketing strategy then it's possible to get ranked on Google first page as many are doing it right now and many have done in the past, Literally by any means I can't call myself as SEO expert but I do have Good SEO skills to rank my blog posts on first page of google wanna see my 1st page Google rankings? Here are few of my blog posts ranking on first page of Google
Read - Rank For A Keyword In Google

How I Ranked My Blog Site On First Page Of Google Results
1)  First page of Google For Keyword - Ping My Blog Posts To Google, Yahoo, Bing Search Engines
2) First page of Google For Keyword  - Google ranking factors seo checklist google

3) First page of Google For Keyword - How to make blogger template seo friendly

I am second here but I can take him down easily

4) First page of Google For Keyword - Internal Linking SEO 2015

5) Google first page for keywords - For the below mentioned I am ranking on the first page of GOOGLE!!!
 a) tricks to increase google adsense earnings
 b) google adsense earning tricks
 c ) tips to increase google adsense earnings 
c) tricks to increase google adsense revenue 
d) tricks to increase adsense revenue 
e) tips to increase google adsense income 
f) tricks to increase google adsense income 
6) Google first page for keywords - Seo tips and tricks for beginners 
So from the above image it's clear that you need to write articles more avg 2000 words so don't be in hurry to publish short blog posts instead take your time collect as much data as possible and then put it all together as this way worth more than posting 100 word articles
By publishing long blog posts you will get more likes and shares on facebook, twitter, Google plus and other big social media sites and Google takes social signals into its ranking factors

6) Regular Updates - To increasing your indexing and crawling rate you must publish content on your blog site regularly as Google loves fresh content and your ranking will improve in search engine results, believe me it helps So try to publish at leash 1 article in week to see quick results

7) Share Your Posts - You must share you blog posts and pages on major social media sites like Facebook, Google plus and Twitter to get more shares and likes

8) Site Structure - Good Site structure is important factors to rank on google first page, a clean design and easy navigation

How Many Backlinks Do I Need To Rank On The First Page Of Google

Backlinks Backlinks Backlinks! and you must be thinking that I am going to buy 10000 backlinks and I will get my website on page no 1 of Google but guys the number of backlinks does't matter what matters is the quality of backlinks you get
Getting 10 backlinks from low quality sites is worth less as compared to get 1 single backlink from big authority site in your niche and this is where most newbie bloggers and webmasters make the mistake they focus on building as many backlinks as possible without thinking about the quality

So focus on building few high quality backlinks instead of many low quality backlinks and this will really boost your ranking in Google and other search engines like Yahoo and Bing

First Page Of Google Guaranteed within 24 hours !!

There are many so called SEO gurus who will guarantee you that you will get your website on Google first page but the truth is that no one can give 100% guaranteed first page rankings as they are not Google algorithms designers and yes they can guarantee you 100% unless they are not giving bribe to Google!

So as you know that there is guarantee of nothing in this world, we don't know the guarantee of our life then how can they will give you the guarantee of ranking on the first page of Google in 24 hours! However I am not saying that it's impossible but the Guaranteed ranking within 24 hours word is not the right term to use for this thing

And even if you or any SEO companies manage to get your site ranked on Google first page results, you never know how long you are going to be there and claim your first spot

And to add on the top see what matt cutts says on this topic

How Long Does It Takes To Rank On the First Page Of Google
Seriously I don't know because I am not Google engineer and I don't know exactly how their algorithm is designed and how they rank webpages also it totally depends on many factors like
1) Domain authority and domain age
2) Page rank
3) On page seo
4) Off page seo
5) inbound or external links pointing to your pages but don't just participate to buy paid links as Google are strictly against this and they will catch you eventually and you may get penalized So try to build natural backlinks to your blog and you will slowly climb the ladders
 How to avoid Google penalities
A website which is 10 years old  will have more chances to get their pages ranked on first page of Google as compared to a blog which is one month old, It's not necessary but domain authority also plays a big role to get ranked high in Google search results
So friends this were few tips on how to get on the first page of Google for free, if you liked this post please share and definitely it's possible to rank on Google's first page provided you do your homework rightly, smartly with proper strategy

A keyword phrase is, generally speaking, the words you think someone is most likely to put into a search engine to find your content. They should appear in your content. Don't overdo it. If it looks spammy, it probably is. Again, the point here is to speak like a human and just use the words that humans are most likely to use when searching for a page about your topic. If you use obscure words, define them. Otherwise, just use natural language. 

If you were searching for your own website, what keyword phrase would you type into Google for each page? Would you look for super fast widgets? Would you look for cooking with widgets? It may be helpful to get a different perspective.

Ask someone else to read your page and suggest what they think your keyword phrase might be. You can also check Google Trends to see if one phrase is starting to gain popularity.
Try to stick to one subject per page, and stick to one keyword phrase per page. That doesn't mean you should write stilted text or use odd phrases. Clear writing is both easier to search and easier to read. Don't be afraid to be really long and detailed with that subject. Think Wikipedia. 
One of the things Google looks for when it catalogs pages is the density of the keyword usage. In other words, how often the keyword occurs. Use natural phrasing. Don't try to trick the search engine by repeating the same word over and over or making text "invisible." It doesn't work. In fact, some of that behavior even get your website banned.
Give a strong opening paragraph that says what your page is actually about. This is just good practice, but it may help search engines find your page, too.
Give your pages a descriptive name with the attribute. This is vital. Google often displays search results as a link using the Web page's title. A link called 'untitled' isn't enticing, and nobody is going to click on it. When appropriate, use the page's keyword phrase in the title.
One of the biggest factors Google looks at is the hyperlink. Google looks at both links to and from your website.
Google looks at the words you use in links to help determine the content of your page. Use links within web pages as a way to emphasize keywords. Rather than saying, "click here to learn more about SEO" you should say: Read more about SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Links from other websites to your website are used to determine PageRank.
You can improve your PageRank by exchanging text links with other relevant websites. Banner exchanges are not effective, and pages that want to charge you for this service are often known spammers that can hurt your rank.  
Links are another area where you shouldn't overdo it. A page that is nothing but a list of links is spam. 
Social networking sites can be a good way to promote a site, but it is unclear how much it will affect your rank directly. Google+ promotion may have the most impact. That said, you may find that a great deal of your traffic comes from social networks, so be sure to make your content social friendly. Add images and give your content interesting titles. 
Give your images attributes. Not only does it make your website more accessible to the visually impaired, it also gives you another chance to place your keywords where Google can see them. Just don't stuff keywords that don't belong. 
In the end, strong, well organized pages are pages that Google tends to rank higher. They're also pages that tend to become more popular, which means Google will rank them even higher. Keep good design in mind as you go, and much of the SEO will design itself.

