When the Internet was first being formed, educational and research institutions received .edu sites, which are now the most credible domains.  Today search engines weigh quality very heavily, so .edu links can help you quickly attain higher traffic rankings.

Government and university sites tend to be trusted by people because such organizations are under such scrutiny that if they put any questionable content on their sites they may get sued, or cause damage to their reputation. So government and educational organizations tend to put only highly trusted content on their sites and usually link out to very few other, highly regarded sites.

The people who create search engines understand this well, and program the search algorithms to attribute very high trust value to links that come from .gov or .edu sites. These links are extremely tough to come by for regular site owners and are incredibly coveted. In this article I will go over some of the techniques for getting sites linked to by .gov and .edu sites. Of course, there are more ways to get this done and the only limit is one’s own creativity in obtaining such links.

If you are a site or a business owner, by now you are probably interested. The truth is that I will only outline techniques that will help you get the links. The truth is that what will play the largest role in the decision on behalf of government or educational sites of whether to link to you or not depends on whether the content of your page is appropriate or good enough to be linked to.

This is where each business or site owner has to consider the nature of their business and ask themselves whether their business is currently “linkable” to and if not, how to align the structure of the business to become linkable to. As I go through the examples, I’ll discuss how to keep such changes subtle enough to be practical and not dis-focus the larger business.

Getting .edu Links

Links from .edu sites are a different type of animal. Generally .edu links come from a university site, professor’s site on a school’s server, or a student’s site on a school server. It is extremely difficult to get on a university’s main page because they generally do not link out.
Professors tend to link out often when they want to provide extra resources of good information for their students. This is where you can score some great links. I’ll outline a great way for a fictitious site to get a professor to link to it.

For example sake, we will imagine that our fictitious site deals with something random like biology. The first task is to research different universities. It is much more difficult to get a link from an Ivy League professor than a professor at some local college. But the Ivy League professor’s link is more highly regarded, so diversify the levels of professors you will pitch to. Once you have identified your target universities, look at professors who will teach biology next semester. They usually have web pages where they post class schedules with topics they will cover. What you have to do is create relevant and extremely high quality pages on those topics.

Also, go light on page-styling and make the pages look more academic than commercial. Academic pages usually have very little styling, lots of text, and maybe some charts or graphs. Professors are smart so your page has to be quite good. When you are done, email the professors and suggest them to link to the pages you made because “…it will help their students ...” Out of 50 professors you may get 5 to link to you if you are lucky. This is a brutal process, but your competitors will likely never be able to get such links and it may be just what you need to get you ahead.

The difficult and arduous road to get such links can be made easier if you offer internships to students of those biology classes, or if you have a product which may be helpful to the class, give it away for free or at a discount.

Remember, there are infinite ways to get different types of links. The more creative and surgical you are, the more successful you have a chance to be. And last important point to remember is that whenever you reach out to people, they are usually busy. Even lazy people are busy. So if you do not hear back, don’t give up, write a follow-up email after a few weeks as a nice reminder. It is likely to show you are diligent, really care, and earn you some sympathy links.

